Have you ever heard of Sun Fade? You probably haven’t, but you may have experienced it. Twice a year in the spring and the fall, TV customers everywhere can experience the effects of Sun Fade, also known as Sun Transit or Sun Outage. Sun Fade will occur between the dates of February 26th to March 10th. During this time, channels may go dark, pixelate, or freeze for 10 minutes at a time. Solar radiation overwhelming satellite signals cause these interruptions. During the spring and fall equinoxes, the sun’s path lines up directly between the ground and space satellites. The solar radiation in this line-up causes the black screen. Talk about a science lesson!

During Sun Fade, ALLO Fiber TV customers everywhere may experience short periods of time where channels may go dark, pixelate, or freeze for 10 minutes at a time because of solar radiation that overwhelms satellite signals.
On the bright side, these issues resolve on their own when the sun moves and shouldn’t last for more than 10 minutes. For a great visual explanation of Sun Fade, check out this clip on YouTube: Sun Fade Video.
Since this is all dependent on the movement of the sun, there is nothing we can do to stop Sun Fade from potentially impacting your service. We hope to see these issues decrease over time as television affiliates transition to more internet versus satellite-based services.
If you experience channel loss for more than 10 minutes at a time or in the nighttime hours, this could indicate a more significant issue outside of Sun Fade. Please reach out so we can help you find a resolution as quickly as possible. Our support team is happy to help you over the phone at 866.481.2556, via our ALLO Fiber Nebraska, ALLO Fiber Colorado, or ALLO Fiber Arizona Facebook pages, Twitter, or live chat on our website.